TUBERCULOSIS a disease needs to be prevented and cured
TB is a very dangerous disease at present time and many people suffer from this disease because of lack of knowledge about this disease and due to unrecognized symptoms of the disease. So by means of this article I am trying to provide a complete guide on Tuberculosis so that it will be beneficial for you and you will not only fight this disease but will also defeat the disease. So I am presenting a complete guide on tuberculosis including the basic of TB its causes, symptoms and its cure.
What is TB?
If I talk about TB then very few people have a proper knowledge of this disease. But don’t worry after reading this article you will have a complete knowledge of the disease called Tuberculosis. TB is also known as Tuberculosis, MTB (short for tubercle bacillus).In the past it was also known as Phthisis, Phthisis Pulmonalis, or Consumption is a widespread and in many cases fetal, infectious disease. It is caused due to mycobacteria usually known as Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis manly attacks the respiratory organ that is lungs but in some cases may also affect the other parts of our body. As we know that TB is a communicable disease so it can be transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person. In most of the cases TB is transmitted through the air when a person who is affected from this disease sneeze and a nearby person inhale the surrounding air. The worst thing about this disease is that most of the infections do not have any symptoms and that’s why known as Latent Tuberculosis but only about one in every latent infections progresses into active disease which, if left untreated may kills that person. So some of the common symptoms of Tuberculosis are given below:
What are the symptoms of tuberculosis?
This is a very common questions that what are the symptoms of tuberculosis but don’t worry if you don’t know about it. some of the common symptoms of Tuberculosis are:
· Chronic Cough with blood-tinged sputum.
- · Fever.
- · Night sweats.
- · Weight losses.
- severe cough
Now after knowing the symptoms of Tuberculosis one important question may moving in your that what are the causes of Tb and strep cough but don’t worry I will give the answer.
As mentioned earlier TB is caused b a bacteria known as Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. The condition is spread when an active person coughs or sneezes in the air and a healthy person inhale the surrounding air.
Strep throat is most common in school-age children. People who smoke, who are fatigued, run down, or who live in damp, crowded conditions are also more likely to become infected.
Strep throat occurs most frequently from November to April. The disease passes directly from person to person by coughing, sneezing, and close contact. Very occasionally the disease is passed through food, when a food handler infected with strep throat accidentally contaminates food by coughing or sneezing. Statistically, if someone in the household is infected, one out of every four other household members may get strep throat within two to seven days.
Strep throat occurs most frequently from November to April. The disease passes directly from person to person by coughing, sneezing, and close contact. Very occasionally the disease is passed through food, when a food handler infected with strep throat accidentally contaminates food by coughing or sneezing. Statistically, if someone in the household is infected, one out of every four other household members may get strep throat within two to seven days.
We must have heard a great thought “Prevention is better than cure” and it’s true also in practical life. Its better to prevent a disease than to have a cure after it transmit. All forms of tuberculosis are curable if it is treated and diagnosed on time. Some of the methods are shown below:
· The World Health Organisation (WHO) promotes a strategy known as ‘Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course’, or DOTS. This focuses on diagnosis, a standard drug regime, individual monitoring and a secure supply of drugs.
· Free treatment is often available, but remote communities may not be aware of it. In addition, the cost of travelling to clinics to collect drugs or have treatment supervised can be too much for a family to keep up, and some patients may stop taking their drugs early because relatively they feel better.
· Vaccines are also available in the hospitals for this disease.
· But public awareness is the biggest program by which any disease could be prevented from its transmission.
Final word from the author:
Lastly I want to say that there are no disease in this world whose cure is impossible but it depends upon the will power and fighting spirit of the patient suffering from that disease that whether he will defeat the disease or not. SO I hope this article helps you in knowing some important fact about Tuberculosis disease. If you like this article then pleases comment and shares it.